Bitecode blog

Knowledge for JVM-hungry people

Between null and positive infinity

A funny null fact I found out after so many years of working with groovy.

Dumping large MySQL database

During some troubleshooting on one of projects I needed to get latest dump from remote mysql database server I couldn’t ssh to. Easy thing… but the database was actually quite huge…


Not going into details of credentials basic mysqldump command looks like this:

mysqldump database > database_dump.sql

Dump file size was ~3GB which might take quite long. Especially when the connection to mysql server was not fast enough.


After a few attempts and noticing that it might take too long to fetch all data I found out that there is a nice switch in mysql and mysqldump commands.

--compress, -C

Switch will tell mysql server to compress the dump on the fly so you can save a lot of bandwidth. However both sides needs to support the setting. Note that you may also use that switch with mysql command.

Log Levels Performance

'The deeper level of logs is, the less impact it will have' - we use to say. Well that’s not true.


Take an example with grails log.debug() call. Let’s say I want to log a very often executed code.

Long sum = 0
(1..1000).each { number ->
    log.debug "Sum = ${sum}"

I use log.debug so my information is logged only if my project configuration allows that. That way if we turn off DEBUG, the logged line should not affect application speed. But is that really true?

Let’s check if the logged value is really not accessed? To do so we need to turn off DEBUG and modify the code:

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